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Street Documentary Photography | Hope for the Weary

As I started my journey in documentary street photography, I encountered the needs of my city, I found beauty in the dirty places, and in the people that live in challenging circumstances, and might look rough on the surface. I found so much value in them, they re weary, but there is hope for them, as there is hope for everyone.

They truly don't need much. Sometimes they just need a person to talk to them, and someone they can talk to.

I have been doing outreach as much as I can with the team from The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake. I have learned so much, and I have met amazing people.

There is hope for the weary as we visit the camps every week. I know now, it is not about the things we bring, those are only to initiate the conversation, which is what the most important thing for them. They have so many things to tell, and little people to hear.

Another important thing the homeless on the streets appreciate is being called by their name. Sometimes we take for granted the use of our name, for them is really significant, all it takes is a simple and quick introduction, and the intentionality of calling them by name is huge. They don't hear their real name often, but when they do, or you come back again and remember them by name, their faces lit up.

I believe is just loving them well, as any other person in this world. Is not about them being homeless, and us coming to help, is about being human, and being equal.

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