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No Longer about me

After mentioning in my previous post my journey to become a documentary photographer. I think is only appropriate to tell you more about why I am passionate about my work and the people I get to meet and photograph.

After my eyes being opened to the reality of those that live in challenging circumstances, I realize that this life is no longer about me. Don’t get me wrong, I really believe in self care and self awareness, because without that we couldn’t take care of others, but without neglecting myself, this life is not about selfish ambition, is about seeing, knowing, and loving those that others overlook, judge or simply ignore.

What drives me is getting to know them, not only photograph them, is about creating a connection, and through my images let them be known by others who would probably never dare to talk to them, or haven't really had the chance to do so.

All this with the idea of opening eyes as mine were open one day, to open minds, to break boxes and tear down walls and stigma.

I truly believe that our world would be a better place if we all care for someone else, besides those that are part of our circles, our lives. It doesn't need to be a massive amount of people, if we can impact one person at a time, it matters, it matters for that person, and at the end it matters to us, cause I truly believe if we don't, we can miss out of meeting people with great hearts, minds, and with amazing stories. Some of those stories might be sad, or even overwhelming trying to grasp the things people have to endure. But I assure you that this is when we get impacted, learn and value our lives even more. I can't tell you how many things I have learn from all the people I have encountered outside in the real world, just walking on the streets of my city, and even being intentional on going to the camps and volunteer. It just fills me with life. What for some is sad, as I know the people, as I see them again, I get to really see them for who they are and not for how they look, and that is what I want other to see through my lens.

What I do is no longer about me, but it’s about you, about them … it’s about humanity

So today I just encourage you, as you go about your day give someone a smile, not much is needed to change someones day today.

Here I share a link of the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake. A place where my documentary photography started and where I volunteer the most. This place changed my life, as much as it changes the life of so many that walk through their doors in look for shelter and a second chance in life.

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